My purpose is to support as many families as possible with tools and skills to navigate our education system.

-Tracey Lyons Tozier, Education Advocate, Author, Speaker

Author of the award-winning “Mama Bulldog Book Series.”

(Three delightful children’s books to support families navigating special needs and the education system.)

Schedule a book reading or educational event at your school or organization.

New Video Presentation

2024 Presentation to the Learning Disabilities Conference by Tracey L Tozier.


Review school and district documents

Collaboration with teachers and staff

Classroom observation

Review testing and test results

Meeting attendance

Family coaching services

Written plan and recommendations

I have been referring clients to Ms. Tozier for nearly a decade! She is always my ‘go-to’ professional when I have families with complex issues and needs that need services. Regardless of the situation or my clients diagnosis, Ms. Tozier is able to provide families with exceptional intervention and advocacy in the most professional, empathic and competent manner. I am grateful for her expertise as she is an invaluable resource in our community!

— Christine Somma, PhD, EdM, MA, CCC-SLP

Take Action

Ready to take the next step?

Schedule a free 15 minute phone call with me to explore how Education Consulting can benefit you and your family.

After our phone call, you will receive my contract and form called “Authorization to Communicate with the School District.”

Ask about negotiable fees for special circumstances.  


I always considered myself as my son’s greatest advocate, as that had been what I had done for him his entire 12 and 1/2 years on earth. Because of his ADHD, and later being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum, there were many battles to navigate and advocate on his behalf. I was involved in many regular battles with school administration and teachers, fighting to ensure my son was treated justly and given the resources he needed to succeed. As the days went on, I found myself more and more overwhelmed and worn out from the regular conflict with my son’s school educators. Thaat all changed once I realized I needed help and called upon Tracey Tozier to help advocate for us. She removed much of the heavy load from my back. In comparing the quarter before she started to the quarter after she started, the results are like night and day. She was able to help us move from a 504 to an IEP. My son has so much more support and his grades went from several classes with poor support where he received near failing grades to straight A’s again this quarter, similar to his previous performance prior to middle school. And even more importantly, he has more self-confidence in his intelligence and in his ability to succeed in school. And I as I mom, feel more supported and much less stressed. I wish I could share her with every child and family struggling with academic challenges from diverse learning needs.
— A Client who values her privacy.