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Document Review And meeting preparation

I completed the 27 week long advanced Special Education Advocacy Training (SEAT) 2.0 class through the Council of Parent and Attorney Advoctes (COPAA), as well as my practicum. I have been certified through COPAA as a Special Education Advocate.

I will review any and all school documents, testing reports, emails or letters that you believe are relevant to your child’s educational situation.  I can help parents understand the meaning of psychoeducational testing reports and will work with you to prepare a written list of concerns, questions for school staff/administrators, and a list of possible accommodations that parents may request in an IEP or 504 meeting. 


As your education consultant, I can help you take both the long and the short term view of your child’s educational needs.  In addition to helping you determine your immediate priorities and goals at school, I can help you look at the big picture of outside services or other schools that might benefit your child.  I can help make recommendations for testing you might request, or seek privately, that might help your child receive needed services.  I am familiar with many tutors and programs to help your child outside of school, and can help find medical, psychiatric, or counseling services.  After consulting with you and reviewing your child’s records, I will write up a plan, full of options that you can investigate or pursue if you choose.


IEP and 504 meetings can be stressful.  It can be hard for parents to get all of their concerns addressed, or understand what the school officials want to do with or for your child.  Some schools may try to avoid answering questions or steamroll over a parent’s concerns for a variety of reasons. At your request, I will attend IEP or 504 meetings as your advocate, with only the best interests of your child at heart.  I will use my experience as a parent of children with learning differences, and as a clinical social worker, to form a collaborative and positive relationship with teachers and school staff, to help them work together with your family to come up with the best possible accommodations and plan to help your child succeed in school. I can help write ambitious yet appropriate and measurable goals for 504 and IEP plans.  I am familiar with federal and state laws and procedures to help safeguard the rights of you and your child.   


Have you ever wondered what is really going on in your child’s classroom?  With the school’s permission, I will observe your child in the classroom(s) or situation(s) that are of the greatest concern.  Your child would not have to know that I am there to observe him or her.  An impartial, clinical eye can help teachers, parents, and staff understand classroom dynamics that they may not have recognized or understood to be part of the issue.  From there, I am happy to work with teachers, school staff, and parents to develop and suggest new and creative approaches to helping resolve difficult behaviors or issues of concern in school. 

family coaching services

Sometimes there are problems at home as well as at school.  If your relationship with your child  other family members is suffering, or if you want help making changes in a child’s behavior or the family dynamic in general, you and your family might benefit from some family coaching sessions. 


Parents can be bullied by school administrators, teachers, and district officials.  Children can be bullied by other students, teachers, staff, administrators, and even by other adults who volunteer or work at the school.  I can help parents decide how to handle these emotional and difficult incidents in a way that helps to both document what is happening, for legal purposes,  and stop it in its tracks.


(Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Do you travel outside of the Charlotte area?  What counties or school districts do you serve?

A:  While I prefer to stay around the Charlotte area, that includes Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools, Union County Public Schools, Mooresville City Schools, Cabarrus County Schools, and Catawba County School District.    I would be willing to travel, if needed, but would charge a travel fee for driving anywhere more than 60 miles from my home, plus mileage.

Q:  Do you work in nearby South Carolina school districts like Rock Hill, Clover, York, or Fort Mill?

A:  Yes! I have connected with a special education attorney willing to provide legal back-up and collaborate regarding South Carolina laws that are different from North Carolina Laws.

Q:  Do you have any special training or accreditation as an education advocate and consultant?

A:  I completed the 27 week long advanced Special Education Advocacy Training (SEAT) 2.0 class through the Council of Parent and Attorney Advoctes (COPAA), as well as my practicum. I have been certified through COPAA as a Special Education Advocate. 

Q:  I want your help, but can’t afford you.  Do you ever take on pro bono clients?

A: I offer the following resources for assistance.

Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center www.ecac-parent

Phone: 704-892-1321

Council for Children’s Rights, Charlotte NC 601 E. 5th Street, #510 Charlotte, NC 28202

Phone: 704-372-7961 

VOICES for Learning is a great non-profit organization. Find them on facebook or online.


“I always considered myself as my son's greatest advocate, as that had been what I had done for him his entire 12 and 1/2 years on earth.  And with him having ADHD, and later being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum, there were many battles to navigate and advocate on his behalf.  When he was younger there was so much more support, with much more resistance and lack of understanding of his neurodivergence at the middle school level.  I was involved in many regular battles with school administration and teachers, fighting to ensure my son was treated justly and given the resources he needed to succeed.    As the days went on, I found myself more and more overwhelmed and worn out from the regular conflict with my son's school educators.  And much of that changed once, I realized I needed help and called upon Tracey Tozier to help advocate for us.  She helped to remove much of the heavy load from my back.  The nights without sleep full of worry about how to address various situations at my son's school, were improved.  In comparing the quarter before she started to now a quarter after she started, it is like night and day.  She was able to help us move from a 504 to an IEP.  My son has so much more support and his grades went from several classes with poor support where he received near failing grades to straight As again this quarter, similar to his previous performance prior to middle school.  And even more importantly, he has more self-confidence in his intelligence and in his ability to succeed in school.  And I as I mom, feel more supported and much less stressed.  I wish I could share her with every child and family struggling with academic challenges from diverse learning needs.”

A client who prefers to be anonymous/private.   


A very special thanks to my family for their support on my journey,

especially to my wonderful children who are my greatest teachers.