Resources and Information

This page is dedicated to helping level the playing field for children with learning differences.

Feel free to contact me for further information on the topic(s) that interest you.

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 VOICES for Learning—Facebook page and private group, search voicesforlearning.  Monthly meetings both daytime and evening, on various topics.  Questions answered in Facebook Group, Some free advocacy/meeting accompaniment available.  Email:

 Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center  (ECAC)—  This is a North Carolina nonprofit, but there is a ton of great information on their website that could help parents in other states, too. 

 Greater Baton Rouge Learning Disabilities Coalition—  This is the nonprofit I founded in 2014, in Baton Rouge. LA.  They do a great conference every year for parents, teachers and professionals, usually in early Spring.  Great information on their website, too. 

 The Mighty—  Essays, poems, and ways to connect with others struggling with autism, depression, ADHD, mental illnesses.  Ideas for coping shared through a supportive online community.


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Wright’s Law—  Great factual resource for all things related to education and special education law.  Includes many helpful articles for parents and professionals.  Covers all 50 states. 

 Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD)—  This is the agency that sent us Erin, our classroom aide/shadow from heaven!  They have locations in many states (sadly, NOT North Carolina).  Good information is available on their website about Autism, ADHD, and treatments/therapies for these conditions.  They are one of the world’s largest providers of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).

 Children and Adults with ADD/ADHD (CHADD)—   National organization with chapters in almost every state. Some chapters have local support groups for those with the diagnosis and/or for family members. 

 Resources for Parents of Dyslexic Children/Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners—  Comprehensive resources and Q&A for parents.


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 Overcoming Dyslexia, by Sally Shaywitz, MD

 The Dyslexic Advantage, Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain,  by Brock L. Eide, MD, MA and Fernette F. Eide, MD

 Teaching a Struggling Reader:  One Mom’s Experience with Dyslexia, by Pamela Brooks.


 Raising a Child with Autism, by Shira Richman

 Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew, by Ellen Notbohm

 A Parents Guide to High Functioning Autism, by Sally Ozonoff, Geraldine Dawson and James C. McPartland

 The RDI Book, by Steven E. Gutstein, PhD


 Taking Charge of ADHD:  The Complete Authoritative Guide for Parents, by Russell A. Barkley, PhD.

 8 Keys to Parenting Children with ADHD, by Cindy Goldrich

 The Misunderstoood Child: Understanding and Coping with Your Child’s Learning Disabilities, Fourth Edition, by Larry B. Silver, MD

 The Explosive Child:  A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children, by Ross W. Greene, PhD

 Depression and Anxiety

 Coping with an Anxious or Depressed Child:  A CBT Guide for Parents, by Sam Cartwright Hatton

 The Anxiety Cure for Kids:  A Guide for Parents and Children, Second Edition, by Elizabeth Dupont Spence, MSW, Robert L. Dupont, MD, and Caroline M. Dupont, MD.

 Anxious Kids Anxious Parents: 7 ways to Stop the Worry Cycle and Raise Courageous and Independent Children, by Reid Wilson, PhD and Lynn Lyons, LCSW.

 504 and IEP Planning and Meetings

 All About IEPs, by Peter WD Wright, Esq., Pamela Darr Wright, MA, MSW, and Sandra Webb O’Connor, MEd

 All About Tests and Assessments, Melissa Lee Farrell, PhD, SAIF, Pamela Darr Wright, MA, MSW, and Peter WD Wright, Esq.

 IEP and Inclusion Tips for Parents and Teachers, Anne I. Eason, JD,  and Kathleen Whitbread, PhD.

 From Emotions to Advocacy, Second Edition, Pamela Darr Wright, MA, MSW and Peter WD Wright, Esq.



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 Autism Speaks—  Autism speaks is and advocacy and support group that also raises money for research grants.  They have chapters almost everywhere. 

 DREAM Disability Rights, Education, Activism and Mentoring—A national organization by and for college students with disabilities.

 Learning Disabilities Association of America—

 National Center for Learning Disabilities:  NCLD—

 Advocacy for Students with Learning Disabilities/Council for Learning Disabilities—

 National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)—

 Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA—

 Freedom from Fear, Resources and Advocacy for People with Depression and Anxiety—



Legal Resources

The Law Offices of Keith L. Howard, PLLC

19109 W. Catawba Avenue, Cornelius, NC  28301

Phone:  1-800-341-3931

Local number:  704-612-4151


Ann Paradis and Stacy Gahagan Gahagan Paradis, PLLC Education Attorneys

3326 Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd suite 210-c, Durham, NC 27707

Phone: 919-942-1430


Stephenson Harvey Harvey Law Group, PLLC

1629 K St NW Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006

Phone: 202-291-2914
